Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rental Friendly Decorating

Looking to make some design changes to your apartment, but your property management company won’t let you make any permanent changes?  Houzz.com has a variety of ways to jazz up your home without losing your security deposit and on a budget.

Temporary wall decals are a great way to add color and pattern without paint or wallpaper.  There are a variety of patterns available on Amazon. They even have quotes, flowers, and more.  

Another way to add pizzazz to your walls is temporary wallpaper, which peels and sticks to your wall without causing any damage.  Some temporary wallpaper is even reusable, so check the packaging when you remove it, you could use it again and again!  From wallpaper that looks like a distressed wood wall to wallpaper that functions like paint, there’s an option for accent walls, entire rooms, and pretty much anywhere in your apartment.

Can’t hang art on the walls because you aren’t allowed to generate nail holes?  Prop up your art against the wall!  If the piece is large enough, you can just place it on the floor, or you can use a table, mantel, dresser, or desk.  You can also hang art on your bookshelves for a chic look.  Another option is to use a weathered door or shutter propped against the wall to hang your art on.

Not really into the leaning look?  Check out adhesive hooks!  These wondrous little creations come in all different sizes, rated to handle different loads.

Washi tape can be removed and used again and is fantastic for holding up small pieces of art like postcards or photographs.  You can even make picture frames for your artistic treasures by placing washi tape around them.  The colors and patterns are endless and so are the uses.  (Think outside the box by using the tape on light switches, refrigerator doors or anywhere you can dream up!)  

If you love to add texture and privacy with curtains, but can’t put holes in the walls by hanging curtain rods, check out tension rods.  These lovely little inventions fit inside the window frame and stay in place with springs, making them a great way to hang your window coverings.

Another fantastic way to add color and texture to your space is to wallpaper your bookshelves with wallpaper, scrapbook paper, or wrapping paper.  If you have built-in shelves, you can use temporary wallpaper instead.

Finally, a screen is a great way to add visual interest to a space, whether you place it behind your bed, desk or your couch.  A smaller version of an accent wall, you can just lean it in place or attach it to the wall using adhesive hooks.

Ready to find an apartment you can make your own?  Give Austin Apartment Specialists a call today at 512-241-1111 and we can show you all the great apartments in Austin in one quick appointment!

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