Decorating your apartment can cost a lot, but it doesn't have to! With these tips from BuzzFeed, you can get a totally great looking apartment for nothing!
For art to add to your walls, search online for art that's in the public domain. You could also order free fake signed pictures of celebrities, print out patent-design prints, use old maps, or print out your instagram as art for your walls. Add a frame if you want to get fancy, but clipboards or even tape works just as well!
To cover a large wall, use paint chips, newspaper cut into the shape of maps, handmade wall flowers, or a paper garland made from scraps to add color and texture to your wall surface without spending much dough.
Need an end table? A stack of books or magazines will do nicely. Need a place to rest your bottom? Strap a cushion to that stack and take a seat!
Want to use old wine or beer bottles as vases but can't get the labels off? Try nail polish remover!
Need a rug? Carpet squares are easy to find for free. Use duct tape to attach them to each other for a rug made in whatever shape your imagination can come up with.
Still need more ideas for art on your wall? Keys to your old abodes, wallpaper samples, pieces of fabric or even wrapping paper in frames make a big impression. Think outside the box and start decorating!
Are you ready to find an apartment with plenty of space for you to get creative? Give Austin Apartment Specialists a call today at 512-241-1111!
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