Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hyde Park Schools and Employers

This month, we’re spotlighting the Hyde Park Neighborhood of Austin, Texas.  This week, we’ll be exploring the Schools and Employers in this North Central Austin Neighborhood.

The Hyde Park Neighborhood is part of the Austin Independent School District.  Its elementary school is Lee, its middle school is Kealing, and its High School is McCallum.  

Robert E. Lee Elementary has educating Hyde Park children since 1939.  Its mascot is the Roadrunner and it is ranked Exemplary by the TEA.  It is the only elementary school in the district with an auditorium large enough to fit all its students at one time, and accordingly, includes a Fine Arts focus with drama, music and dance performances for all students.

Kealing Middle School is home to a rigorous magnet program in addition to a standard middle school curriculum.  Their mascot is the Hornets and their colors are Crimson and Cream.  Kealing serves nearly 1200 students in grades 6-8.

McCallum High School is the Fine Arts Magnet for the district.  In addition to regular curriculum, they offer advanced specializations in theatre, music, dance, and art. Their mascot is the Knights.

For both higher education, and employment, The University of Texas at Austin is just south of Hyde Park.  With 50,000 students, UT has a huge impact on the economic and cultural landscape of Austin.

There are many employers in Hyde Park, and because of its convenient location, it’s a quick commute to many others.  

The Triangle is located on the edge of Hyde Park and has many restaurants, including the Flying Saucer, a brew pup, and Galaxy Cafe, a locally owned restaurant serving unique American dishes and breakfast until four on weekends.  These dining establishments provide job opportunities as hosts, wait staff, bartenders, and chefs.

Seton Medical Center is also located adjacent to Hyde Park and is Austin’s largest medical/acute care center and the only hospital in Central Texas performing heart transplants.  They employ doctors, nurses and administrators in large numbers.  

Looking for an apartment in Hyde Park?  Call Apartment Specialists today at 512-241-1111 and we’ll help you navigate availability, move-in specials and amenities at Hyde Park apartments!

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